Sports Fan - Yo Yo Applique tea towel Pattern is by Marcia Layton
MLD_SF2 - Finished size fits standard tea towel - yo yo maker used: Clover "Quick" Yo-Yo Maker Extra-Large, Large, small, and extra-small circles, large Heart.
Applique, tea towel, Kitchen towel, dish towel, Football, baseball, basketball, golf, bowling, tennis, ball, racket, hearts.
#Applique #appliqueteatowel #dishtowelsappliqued #kitchentowels #farmhouse #farmhousedecor #sportsapplique #basketballapplique #golftowel #footballapplique #bowlingballappliqued #bowlingball #tennis #MarciaLayton #patternhutch
MLD_SF2 -Sports Fan
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