PLP157 - Nature's Gift Wool Applique Table Runner Pattern is by Penny Lane Primitives.
This beautiful flower basket runner is perfect for a dining room table, side board or any country table! Sitch it up with wool or wool felt. The completed runner measures 11 inches by 30 inches, or it can be made longer to suit your needs. Make one for yourself or as a gift for a special friend!
Table Runner Pattren, Kitchen Table Runneer, Spring Flowers, Basket, Flowers, Wool Applique, Hand Applique, Wool Felt, Spring Table Runner, farmhouse decor.
#TableRunnerPattern #SpringTableRunner #Patterns #CraftPatterns #WoolApplique #WoolFelt #WhimsicalTableRunner #HandApplique #BasketFullOfFlowers #SeasonalTableRunner #PennyLanePrimitives #PatternHutch
PLP157 - Nature's Gift
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