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PLP171 - Spring Blossoms Candle Mat Pattern is by Penny Lane Primitives

Welcome Spring with a quick and easy project that is sure to add a touch of sunshine to your home! This pretty candle mat measures about 13 inches when complete and can be stitched up using wool or wool felt.

Candle Mat Pattern, Penny Rug Pattern, Spring Candle Mat, Spring Penny Rug, Flowers, Tulips, Daisies, Wool Applique, Hand Applique, Farmhouse Decor.

#CandleMatPattern #Pattern #CraftPatterns #WoolFelt #Wool #WoolApplique #AppliqueCandleMat #Spring #SpringDecor #Flowers #Tulips #FarmhouseSpring #AppliquePatterns #PennyLanePrimitives #PatternHutch #Farmhouse #FarmhouseDecor

PLP171 - Spring Blossoms

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